Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Labor Day with Minimal Labor

Tom, the dogs and I left the city to spend this weekend in one of my favorite places in the world, Scituate, Ma. I love everything about this place: the people, the water and especially the Labor Day Parade! Here's a look at a few shots I took around Scituate this weekend. 

I'm incredibly sad to see this summer go. As an homage to this summer and in sticking to a stress free Labor Day, I decided to make a simple free-form blueberry peach tart. I never shy away from my deep love of blueberries and peaches (see last years blog entry). This is the easiest dessert out there. Fresh fruit, 1 pre-made pie crust (I usually wouldn't condone this, but who wants to make pie crust when you can relax by the seashore), a tablespoon of sugar, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, a dash of salt and some cold cubed butter. Oh, and don't forget the egg wash on the  crust and a sprinkling of sugar before you put it in the oven. Cook for 20 min at 400 degrees. So long summer, you'll be missed.

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