Thursday, March 31, 2011

Everything's coming up roses (and they're edible too!)

For the past month and a half, I have been working on an incredible cake commission for Macy's Annual Flower Show. This year's theme is "Towers of Flowers" and the show officially opened on March 27th. I created 5 "cake towers" for the Herald Square Flagship store windows on 35th and Broadway. Needless to say, this project was full of late nights and over 100 lbs. of fondant and royal icing. Now that I can take a minute to step back and take a glimpse into the windows, I couldn't be happier with the results! When I conceptualized the cakes, my immediate thoughts jumped to a more whimsical and playful take on the "towers". The resulting 5 cake sculptures are loosely based on fairy tales, including the Princess and the Pea, Rapunzel and Jack and the Beanstalk. I am so honored to have been given the opportunity to showcase my work and flex those confectionery muscles. The two-and-a-half feet tall dummy cakes will be in the Macy's windows until April 10th, so if you are in the Big Apple, come check 'em out and don't miss the amazing flowers showcased throughout the entire store! Here's a sneak peek...

Step 1. Many, many, many hours of getting my cake craft on...

Step 2: Box up the cakes and deliver them to Macy's at midnight.. 
Never underestimate how amazing it is to stand in a department store after hours. 
I think I made one-to-many references to the movie Mannequin. I also decided itwas a good idea to try and fit into the window. (Note to self: don't try that again).

The experts spend several long nights installing the gorgeous flower gardens. 

Step 3: Time for the Grand Opening!

Step 4: Take a look at the finished work! You can see that the creatives at Macy's literally covered the walls with flowers from floor to ceiling!

This windmill "tower" could be my favorite. The blades actually move! 
My husband found a small motor that I was able to build into the sculpture.

For any of you who doubt the possibility of a rotating sugar windmill blade, 
here's the proof! 

Last Step: Buy myself something nice at Macy's and take a very long nap!

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